The art of succeeding with e-learning

Just as we call our beloved children by many different names, e-learning is also called interactive learning, digital learning, online learning, web-based learning, and more. E-learning may feel to some like a worn-out concept, often associated with something dry and boring you have to force yourself through and sometimes fall asleep doing. To be honest, we partly agree. Far too much e-learning is little more than just pages and pages of information presented with little to no inspiration.

The art of succeeding with e-learning

However, we at Task are not afraid to use the concept of e-learning, because we know the art of producing and implementing e-learning that engages and creates the intended effect.

So what exactly is the key to a good e-learning experience? Here are a few tips:

Good insight

The first tip is to get solid insight into goals and target groups in order to hone in on your content and how best to present it. It is especially important to define outcomes, which lays the groundwork for learning goals. The insight will also ensure that e-learning is well connected to other important measures within the organisation.

Well-designed learning content

A well-known e-learning trap is to try to cram in too much content, which often backfires and doesn’t result in learning. Therefore, well-thought-out learning design is crucial. Good educators lead the subject matter experts through effective processes for information transfer, and ensure that the content is prioritised and weighted in line with the desired outcomes.

Employees in open office


Giving users various ways to interact with the content contributes to involvement and reflection, while varied use of tools ensures attention and engagement. Film, animation, gamification, games and social interaction can be good moves if used correctly. The very best e-learning programmes are also part of a mixed learning process, where participants get to engage in discussions and activities that don’t only take place in front of a screen.

Concept and common thread

The most successful e-learning programmes become a “talking point”, so it’s important to have an engaging concept and preferably a concept name you can talk about. We have experienced this several times through projects such as Får Walter lov (Is Walter Allowed) with DIFI, I run clean with European Athletics and Buddy with Skills Norway.


E-learning works best when it’s specific and relevant. It’s important that the user quickly feels that this concerns them specifically, and their workplace. We have a lot of experience using a number of realistic scenarios and situations as a starting point for interactive learning. Target groups and subject areas can often be different, which is why we also see an increasing trend towards distributing modules on different learning paths.

Good implementation

A good e-learning programme is not a silver bullet on its own. One must also ensure strong implementation and follow-up. We write more about this under Learning Technology and Campaigns.

There is no doubt that e-learning is an effective way to learn. In addition to saving time and costs, people can learn when they want, where they want and how often they want. Task has extensive experience in developing successful e-learning programmes for large companies. Contact us to set up a chat, and we will be more than happy to come up with ideas for what might work for your business.